Types of Anaesthesia

During a pre-operative consultation, Dr Ironfield will discuss your medical history and physical condition.

Based on this assessment and the type of surgery you are having, a joint plan will be made on the type of anaesthesia that is best suited for you as an individual. Pain management after the procedure is also a consideration in the chosen technique. Dr Ironfield will constantly monitor your safety during the procedure and make any adjustments as required. Usually a combination of one or more of the following options will be used:

General Anaesthesia

This involves inducing unconsciousness by the use of injected and inhaled medications.

Dr Ironfield has experience in providing general anaesthesia for a range of general surgical and subspecialty procedures. He regularly provides neuroanaesthesia and anaesthesia for vascular surgery procedures.

Regional Anaesthesia

Regional anaesthesia involves using injections of local anaesthetics to make specific areas of the body pain-free. Examples of this include spinal anaesthesia, epidurals, or nerve blocks of the eye, arm, or leg. These techniques can be used to ensure comfort both during and after surgery. Dr Ironfield has trained extensively in these techniques, and will discuss whether they may be suitable in your circumstances.


Sedation involves injections of medications that reduce anxiety, pain, and may cause drowsiness. You may have some memories of the procedure, but will be comfortable throughout. Sedation is frequently used for procedures such as endoscopy, or in addition to regional anaesthesia.

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